Saturday, May 21, 2011

Emily loves her friend M!

Emily gives M lots of kisses. It is important to note that M was getting more kisses than Mum was!!!!

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Emily loves to help

Today Emily decided she'd help with carrying the 'outside play' backpack. She ended up a little 'back heavy'!!!

Jon is in Da Nang for three days. We miss him! He comes home tomorrow night. We enjoy skyping with him when he is away. Tonight we told him all about how much Emily loved the pool this afternoon -- she splashed and squealed and gave her Mum multiple hugs and kisses. (You can be sure Mum will try very hard to go back for more tomorrow :-)

35 Steps and a new friend

Today little M and Mrs Jilly came over to play. We had a lovely time on the swings and it was great for Emmi to hang out with someone who is such an excellent share-er!

Also today, Em took 35 consecutive, unassisted steps! In 7 days she went from walking on the walker to walking on her own!!! Now to get those little legs confident before Baby Sister arrives :-)

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Total Bedrest - arghhh...

Just for a couple of days. Encouraged by a sermon on ipod this morning -- nothing can separate us from the love of God... nothing inside of me or outside of me. If me being a cranky, self-pitying PILL can't, and persecution, torture and death can't (!), then mere bedrest TOTALLY can't. So I'm asking for grace to rest in His love and not fall apart. (Its also good for me to remember that falling apart is not good for keeping contractions at bay :-)

And one reminder of that great love is in the form of our wonderful friends and helpers Ms Lanh and Mrs Hien. (How do mothers do bed-rest in Australia?!) Ms Lanh has just arrived to help us with Emily. So now Jon can help me (The Great Reclining Poo-Ba, directing from her bed) to sort out the baby's alcove in our room, which used to be a study and now looks like Emily has tornadoed through there (actually, she has). Feeling the need to get things somewhat organized ahead of schedule...

Here's some of the deleted photos.... Em determinedly walking with our 'outside play' bag, after insisting it be put on her back. (It made her a bit 'back-heavy'!)

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

35 Steps and a new friend

(Oh my! I've had a few posts and a bunch of photos disappear off our blog! I'll try all that again....)

Emmy took 35 consecutive steps on her own! She went from suddenly walking with the walker just days ago to this many unassisted steps today. Wowee! Also today, Emily had a lovely time playing with little M and her mum Mrs Jilly, who came to visit us.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Talon Tuesday

We try to stick faithfully to 'Fingernail Friday' with Emily, in order to keep her rapidly growing, sharp little nails in check. But occasionally we get to 'Talon Tuesday' -- a whole four days over the schedule -- and regret it when we have our noses or eyes 'examined'. It was so satisfying to trim those little weapons off her eager fingers today!

Monday, May 9, 2011

Continued bedrest

I'm posting this while I'm feeling brave and before the reality of it has really sunk in :-) When we saw the doctor this morning we had some great news about one part of the pregnancy that had previously been a concern. However, she told us I need to stay on the same bedrest schedule and will need to go back to Australia earlier than planned. We aren't sure how this will work as it would require Jon to be off work for nearly 3 months in order to look after us (I also still can't lift Emily). So, we're asking for grace to trust God in all this, and wisdom to know what to do. He's the Master Planner (much as I might sometimes like to think I am. Ha!)

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Mothers Day

While I like the idea of a day to honour mums (and dads!), I like better the local version: 'Womens Day'. During years of infertility, we've sat through our share of Mothers Day Sunday services where I was conspicuously sitting down while all the mothers were invited to stand and be prayed for. An insensitive idea, in my opinion (!) since so many women want children -- and many are in a mothering/nurturing role whether they have children of their own or not.

We couldn't make it to the service today, but when I could get out of bed we went out for a special lunch. It was a lovely day. Jon set out our 'happy mothers day' banners and a lovely note from 'the girls' for when I woke up, and Emily kept her public shrieking to a minimum :-)

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Pool Time!

As things start to get chilly in Australia, the weather is really heating up over here! Emily is not so fond of the pool, despite our almost daily attempts to rectify that. She'll have to get over it tho because she's an Australian, and it just won't do for an Aussie girl to hate the water!! Here she is having a bit of a protest while Mum sports a growing baby bump (25 weeks).

M walking!