Friday, March 16, 2012

So far this year...

Grandma Knight passed away in late January, a few weeks after we had returned to Asia. Jon was very glad he was able to fly back for the funeral.

We had a couple of days in Thailand as a family around that time. Jon returned to Thailand shortly after to deal with some medical issues, and the girls and I returned with Mrs H the following month and stayed at Dolphin Bay. Jon was there again last week and will fly through there tomorrow -- that's a lot of Thai trips in less than two months!

In other news, Jemima (7mo) is rolling over and smiling almost constantly. She loves the jolly jumper and bumbo seat. Emily is talking up a storm, singing all the time, trying to order us all around and getting very frustrated at not being able to stand/walk/run at present on account of a sore hip. Trying to get a 2 year old to rest for 2 weeks feels somehow wrong. Jon is super-busy with a trip to Switzerland this week will back-to-back with the patron of his program coming here on a 12 hour visit! It will be a VERY big day and he has a lot on his mind. I am enjoying being with the girls so much. It has been pretty challenging lately and I lost my gratitude a couple of days ago (!), but it is a wonderful gift that I don't need to be working outside of our home and can give so much time and energy to the girls.

We are planning to move in the middle of the year, to a place that is better suited to our family's needs (and still not too far from Jon's office).

There is a Picassa link of recent photos I can send to interested family & friends - let me know if you'd like it!

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